Tuesday, April 26, 2016

School shootings in the USA

The shooters:    Dylan Klebold:

Dylan Klebold picture

His personal diary:
Dylan's diary
Dylan's diary's entry


  Eric Harris:

Eric Harris picture

His personal diary:
Eric's diary's entry
Eric's diary's entry

Eric's diary's entry

       As we have seen we are in front of two guys who look they are non mind healthy. We can see it on their diaries' entries. They cross out lots of words and lots of drawings because they might get confused and they don't know how to express themselves properly. They speak about killing people and we can see they look happy when they talk about it Dylan says "Have fun!" when he's speaking about puting bombs and making them exploud. This is actually horrible. How much these guys' minds have had suffer to be happy when they think about killing other people?

Here some interesting facts about the Columbine High School shooting:

"As for the author, you won't find much about me on this website as this site isn't about me. It's about the Columbine High School massacre: What happened before, during and after the shootings, and the people who were directly affected. I only added this page because I've had so many emails over the years asking about how and why I started what's become a behemoth of an information resource."

"I was less than satisfied with the way the media was covering the event. Rumors and speculation were presented as fact; mainstream television and corporate news sites initially seemed more interested in sensationalizing things than finding out what actually happened"

"I knew the true story was lurking out there somewhere so I started digging around, online and off. I put up a website on a free web host: A single site with a list of the known names of the dead, updated as they became available, and information about where the event had happened. In the days that followed I dug as deep as I could to get the real story that the media just couldn't seem - or didn't want - to piece together."

"The chaos and terror inside Columbine High School on the day of the shootings was horrifying; a person was lucky to escape it."

"When the assault began, people ran in any direction they felt was safe. Some chose better than others. Some ran and kept running."

Who were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold? Why did they do what they did? Together these two young men were brought to the world's attention when they laid siege to Columbine High School the morning of April 20, 1999. Before that day they were just a couple of American high school seniors only two weeks away from graduation... or so those who knew them believed. For well over a year before the shooting the boys had been making plans to attack their school and the people in it."

RankReason% Agreeing
1They want to get back at those who have hurt them.87
2Other kids pick on them, make fun or them, or bully them.86
3They don't value life.62

So now, these are some interesting facts given in the web site of the horrible event of this High School. The author tells why did he sart with this web site and how did he get all the information and all that things that look very interesting.

Series and movies that show this kind of horrible events:

Just as the web site says,
"One of the main characters in this season is a school shooter who killed 15 people. The writers of the show used a real internet search page in one episode where they edited "Columbine" to read "Westfield" but the rest of the search results obviously reference the Columbine shooting. The subject of the shooting reappears several times throughout the season. Aired 2011."

Shooting scene in American Horror Story season 1
Victims of the school shooting

Just as the web site says,
"School-shooting movie told from the point of view of someone the shooters let go before the killing starts. Directed by the guy who directed Good Will Hunting and put out by New Line Cinema, it's probably the highest-budget film of its genre. While this meant it's better quality than most, it also unfortunately meant that a lot of people who saw this film didn't know anything about Columbine before. They then thought Elephant was a true-to-life retelling of what actually happened. It and Zero Day (see further down) caused a lot of confusion in their time. This film includes a gay scene in a shower between the shooters pre-assault that set off loads of renewed rumors about the Columbine shooters' sexuality."
Shooters going to the school
One of the shooters

Both shooters
Shooter after having killed his class mates

I think this film and this series show very well how this school shooting was felt by the victims. The American Horror Story version is just a way to give a past to the character but actually this is the way we can feel as well the pain this character was suffering to do it. The Elephant version shows us a much detailed version of this event. It shows more what the people suffered than what the guys who did it did.
I think having both version is very good because in a same version you can't do it at the same time, one of the view points, is a little bit hidden by the other one. In the elephant version, for example, they explain why they did it because of video games, what I think is a little bit short explanation of what happened. These people must have suffered and they might not have had access to any help. I not saying they were in their right to do it, I will never defend violence, but I personnaly thing that in this film they give a very poor excuse for what they did, they didn't have the whole fault.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Individual Documents on 'Spaces & Exchanges' Notion

We are living in a world where people can communicate with other people who are even not in the same continent.
A world where gossiping is what people most like to do, where you can learn how old Shakespeare, Neil Amstrong were when they died, or they start becoming famous. The fame, this is one of the most important things in our society, don't you  think so? Then why are teenagers so worried about how many followers they have on Twitter and Instagram? Or friends on Facebook? Or even views on Snapchat?
Were are living in a world of change, nowadays The USA is the most important thing, maybe tomorow it would be Spain, India... No one knows it, so we have to be ready and "openned" to accept and react to every new change we have to live.

As we have al ready said, we live in a very energetic, an activity as reading must seams, then, like a boredom, but actually it is one of the most interactive activities of our world.
Not just due to the fact of this image which represents very well the reading meanning, that is to say that, everything you eat gives you lots of needed nutritions and reading something very similar. But not just the fact that reading can give you lots of culture and knowledge, but that it seams obvious to me that when someone writes a book and another person read it there's an exchange between these people. The author, can give his own view point and express his feelings just writting, but it is undeniable that these words just have an importance when someone reads them, even if it's the author itself who does read its own work.                                                      
Reading can as well connect countries, because of the selling in different countries and continents. But the most important thing of reading is something that we've already start to draw, is the personal journey someone makes just reading. Reading can take us to other worlds, it can make us living incredible trips, but what really marks a reader is the incouncious trip of his own feelings.               
For me one of the most important books would be this one,

This is the the first book I've read about acting. When I was reading it, I felt how big were my feelings and my enthusiasm of becoming an actor. I've learned many things about Richard Boleslavsky and his First Six Lessons, Boleslavsky exchanged, then his knowledge with me without being in the same country and even in the same century; Wouldn't it be, then the best social network you've ever seen?

As we've we already seen there is that internal journey with the fact of reading, but we must admit, that the "usual" trip, is as well very important for a person. But there are people who can't adchieve this amount of money or they don't know how to trip. So that is why that with the raise of the social networks, there have been different movements to show people trips or tutorials of how to organize one. There are the photographs on Instagram, the stories on Blogs or Facebook or even Twitter... But the one that I find more interesting is Youtube with the videos.

So that is why I've find interesting to talk about this spanish Youtube channel cold "Mola Viajar", that means, "Travel's Cool". This channel, shows tips to travel around the world with no money on you or how to organize a luxe trip with not a lot of money.

Here we have a screenchot of one of my favorite videos of them, is like a kind of trailer of a new journey they wanted to live and share with their followers. They wanted to make a whole world trip in 80 days. And as we've already said with different ways of travel, sometimes with no money on their pokets and sometimes in a incredible 5 stars hotel. Of course they don't have this money (For the 6 stars hotel) they've been sponsored by a brand to do it, that is why they do ask for more followers, because if they didn't have enough they wouldn't have the opportunity to do it and then share it.
I defenitely, find this incredible. In my opinion, I couldn't agree more with the fact that they ask for more followers, even if some people would think they do it to become reacher, I think this initiative helps them but as well the users who could travel to China just watching a video. In my case, I love travelling but because of the school, drama, I don't have time enough to do it, and I totally think is the best option to travel without leaving our houses.

To put it in a nutshell we must admit that almost everything is connected somehow, even reading as an exchange between people. We live in a interconnected world in which people must share to keep connected to this Globalised world.